Saturday, June 11, 2011


It has now been three weeks since my competition, and the transition into the "real world" has been harder than I thought. I am now focusing on muscle building and putting about ten pounds of lean muscle back on. My husband and I took a much needed trip to Jamaica for a little relaxation and finally getting to spend some time together since the past few months we haven't got to do much of! I did not worry about my diet or eating on the trip, I knew that if I obsessed about it that I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself and probably do more harm to body than good. So I took full advantage to say the least! I'm ready to get back to clean eating and getting on a routine again. Like I mentioned it has been hard to transition from training and hardcore dieting to the muscle building phase and being a little more relaxed with diet. Your mind plays tricks on you, you want to continue to look like the day you did on stage but know that you will slowly put weight back on and the six pack will fade. That comes with the cannot diet like that forever, it's just not healthy. Many people don't understand that the way I looked that day is only temporary bc of the "peak week" that all competitors go through...we have strategies to look that way for only a minimal amount of time.... I have come to terms that putting healthy weight back on will involve putting some fat on as well, and I'm ok with that. Don't get me wrong I fully intend to look as fit as possible in this off season before and if I compete again and try to keep my lean mass in the process. It's hard not to be self conscience during this time, I'm always looking in the mirror thinking "do I look fat? Am I gaining too much weight?" In reality I know it's not the case, but our minds sometimes get the best of us. It has been nice not having to be so strict with diet and being able to enjoy more time with my husband,family, and friends, but I still have a drive in me that wants to continue competing, crazy as it sounds. I felt like the whole experience changed my life and had such a positive impact for me. Unless you experience being a competitor, you will not understand. 95% of you think the lifestyle is crazy,dumb,stupid,ect..and I know I had people criticize know what I learned? You must surround yourself with positive people who believe in you and support you regardless. People that criticize others are often jealous and deep down are miserable in their own lives that they need to put others down to make themselves feel better. Knowing this experience made me a better person with a more positive outlook on everything in life made it all worth it. For those interested in following my blog, I will do my best to blog a few times per week with diet,nutrition,workout, healthy lifestyle tips, as well as my own personal experiences. So come back! with website coming soon!!! Remember, you are the only one in control of your dreams!

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