Sunday, February 5, 2012

8 WeeKs OuT!!!

yesterday marks 8 weeks out until showtime! Current stats:
Weight: 101.2
Naval: 26.5
Waist: 31.25
Hips: 33
Right now I'm feeling good, measurements are down which shows I'm heading in the right direction. I got a new training program this week along with a slight change in diet, a little less food but not much to make a difference really. I've been very creative with my meals lately and have really enjoyed the new things I'm trying! My coach gives me an amount of food I can have for each meal on my plan and I have the ability to substitute foods as long as I stay with the same calories/macros. For instance my meal #3 is 85 grams of chicken and 100 grams of sweet potatoes, but if I want to have different foods I utilize an online calculator my coach provides to see what my other options are and what the weight of the food is, so I'd type in that I want to sub my chicken with egg whites and it will tell me how many egg whites I can have to equal 85 g chicken. Very nice feature! The point is eating on a contest diet doesn't have to be boring and bland like many would think. Another thing people probably have a misconception is that I don't eat carbs or fat or whatever, when in reality I will incorporate all food groups throughout the training, including CARBS! Yes they tend to get a little lower as we get closer but never taken out. This week I will take you through a day of my eating so you can really see how much I actually do get to eat! Now bc I'm so small to begin with I do get a little less food than most bc when you are trying to lose fat you need to be in a calorie deficit which means I need to be burning more than I'm taking in, but I also need to eat enough to maintain my muscle as well. It's scientific but simple!:) this goes for anyone trying to lose fat....I've noticed my body starting to tighten up just in a week of consistency and staying the course..still have a ways to go and 8 weeks to bring it! Progress pics next week! Thanks for reading and remember no excuses just WORK!

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