Friday, February 10, 2012

7 week progress pics

7 Weeks to Go!
Current weight: 99.6

Took two week progress pics this morning. It's amazing what two weeks of consistency can do! My body is starting to tighten up and the abs are starting to form. Energy levels are still good right now and workouts are going great! How much cardio am I doing......NONE! Yup that's right, no cardio.....4 days of lifting, 2 ab/core circuit workouts, and 2 metabolic workouts per week.  So I am currently working out about a total of 6 hours per week. Many people i'm sure think I spend hours upon hours at the gym...Nope sorry I don't....When you lift as hard and heavy as me and work your ass off and stay consistent to your diet, you don't need to spend countless hours in the gym. Get in, go hard, and get out..that's my motto in the gym.  Anyways, moving on, here are 7 week out progress pics. I am definately feeling the fat loss top down. Face is starting to thin and chest *cough* is no really was anyways ha ...just waiting for the bottom half to catch up will....patience is key....until next time...No Excuses..just WORK!

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